Sunday, July 5, 2009

Anacortes, WA

Began this morning in beautiful Olympia, state capital of Washington where I attended the weekly meeting of the Olympia Friends congregation and made some new friends. Afterwards, I dorve northward to Anacortes where I checked into the world famous San Juan Motel for the evening, meet with niece Leilani and her friend Mike (photo) , then to get a little rest, get organized and do some work before setting out tomorrow. There are more things to get rid of, put into boxes and lighten the load. The snowcapped peaks of the Cascades taunted and beckoned me from the distance as I entered the Skagit River valley today. I will ascend from sea level to about 5,600 feet in the next couple of days and expect to work pretty hard to get there.


  1. We will have a space for you at our Barn Bicycle camp area. Go to

    for details

  2. It would be ok to mail a package to our address:

    18599 Highway 20
    Winthrop, WA 98862
